
We are a non-profit civil association that works against child malnutrition.


Your donation helps us reduce the number of malnourished children in our community.
You can make a one-time donation or every month. To maintain the current level of care and activities for each child per month,  $50.000 is needed. To help support the activities of workshops for mothers and weekly food bags for families, you can donate one of the tabulated amounts ($ 8000, $ 16.000 or $ 24.000) or whatever you can.

Local Donations

Fixed amounts of One Time Donations, Any amount on recurrent donations and free wire transfers

Bank Acc. N*: 5174 / 21313 / 4


CBU: 0140046501517402131344

CUIT: 30-70890831-9

International Donations


Select the u$d amount wanted to be donated overwriting the default value of 10.  Complete the data and select payment method. Recurrent donations, per month or annually, will only be enabled for credit card payments. Rest of payment methods will be accepting only one-time donations.